The LCC Advisory Board is responsible for approving new members of the Center, nominating new directors, amending the LCC By-Laws, and providing advice to the Director and Associate Director on all aspects of LCC management. The Advisory Board consists of nine Members elected by the LCC membership. Advisory Board Representatives must be members of the Center. There are three categories of Representatives: (1) LCC faculty and P&A members who are not primarily employed by the Center; (2) ISRDI research staff; and (3) graduate student and postdoctoral members.
Sarah Flood, LCC Director and IPUMS Research Scientist
Janette Dill, LCC Associate Director
Zinzi Bailey, Epidemiology and Community Health (term expires summer 2027)
Michael Esposito, Sociology (term expires summer 2026)
Andrew Fenelon, Epidemiology and Community Health (term expires summer 2027)
Manka Nkimbeng, Division of Health Policy & Management, School of Public Health (term expires summer 2026)
Evan Roberts, History of Medicine (term expires summer 2025)
Tom VanHeuvelen, Sociology (term expires summer 2025)
Julia Drew, Research Scientist, Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation (term expires summer 2026)
Alexandra VanBergen, Senior Data Analyst, Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation (term expires summer 2025)
Xiaowen Han, Sociology (term expires summer 2025)