July 31 - August 1, 2024 | Minneapolis, MN & Online
The Network for Data-Intensive Research on Aging (NDIRA), a collaboration between IPUMS and the University of Minnesota Life Course Center, is proud to sponsor the 2024 Data-Intensive Research Conference.
2024 Conference Theme: Harnessing the Power of Linked Data to Study Aging
Data linkages open up novel opportunities for understanding and contextualizing aging and life course processes. Linking people over time allows for the examination of transitions and trajectories and linking contextual information to data on individuals allows researchers to situate them within their environments. Analyzing associations that leverage these linkages is one way to get more out of our data and extend scholarship on aging and the life course. We are interested in a broad range of aging and life course processes and conceive of linking broadly, including longitudinal linkages, linking identified data with external resources, situating individuals within contexts, or linking places to reframe context. See the call for proposals.
2024 Conference Program
Wednesday, July 31
- 9:00am-9:30am Welcoming Remarks
- 9:30am-11:00am Oral Session 1: Contextual Exposures & Cognitive Functioning
- 11:30am-12:30pm Oral Session 2: Education, Labor Market Experiences & Income
- 12:30pm-2:00pm Keynote Speaker & Lunch: The Promise and Perils of Linked Data: Where We Are and Where We May Be Headed. Dr. John Robert “Rob” Warren
- 2:15pm-3:45pm Oral Session 3: Longevity & Mortality
- 4:15pm-5:15pm Oral Session 4: Family Environments
- 5:15pm-6:30pm Poster Session & Social Hour
Thursday, August 1
- 9:30am-10:45am Oral Session 5: A Life Course Lens on Housing, Literacy & Monetary Behavior
- 11:15-am-12:30pm Oral Session 6: Intergenerational Linkages
- 12:30-1:00pm Closing Remarks
- 1:30-3:00 Linked Data in the Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC)
View Conference Schedule including paper titles and authors for sessions
Possible Research Topics
We welcome submissions that leverage large-scale population data with a linking component to examine aging and life course processes in the U.S. and global contexts. We are particularly interested in submissions that use data from IPUMS, including papers that link complete count census data to aging surveys (e.g., HRS, PSID), or EdSHARe, and are informed by a life course perspective, especially those with an emphasis on aging. Potential topics include health and other outcomes as influenced by contexts at multiple levels, such as:
- Early life conditions and later life outcomes
- Situating individuals at the nexus of work, family and community participation
- Later life-course population trends
- Role of structural disparities in life course processes and outcomes
- Place-based conditions and policy impacts
Pre-Conference Workshop
In partnership with our IPUMS colleagues, we will host a two-day, intensive workshop that provides intensive training on IPUMS data resources that are relevant to the conference theme of linking. This year's workshop will place participants into one of two tracks focused on either full count data resources from IPUMS or data linkages with IPUMS MEPS. The workshop is free to NDIRA members (membership is free, join NDIRA now), but space is limited and interested applicants must apply to attend.
Key Dates
- November 1, 2023: Abstract submissions open
- January 16, 2024: Workshop applications open
- February 1, 2024: Abstracts due
- March 1, 2024: Notification about selection for research sessions (including travel support to attend)
- March 15, 2024: Program published, registration opens
- April 24, 2024: Pre-conference workshop applications due
- May 15, 2024: Notification about selection for pre-conference workshop (including travel support to attend)
- July 10, 2024: Conference registration closes for in-person participation
- July 24, 2024: Conference registration closes for virtual participation
- July 29-30, 2024: Pre-conference workshop
- July 31-August 1, 2024: Data-Intensive Research Conference research presentations
Travel Information
Travel Support
We have funds to offer travel support for some conference presenters and some researchers selected to attend the workshop*. Recipients of travel support will receive reimbursement for some or all of the following expenses: domestic airfare, ground travel, lodging, and meals. You may indicate your interest in receiving travel support as part of the abstract submission or workshop application forms.
NDIRA seeks to build and support an interdisciplinary and diverse community of scientists leveraging powerful data resources in innovative ways to understand life course and health outcomes at older ages, as well as the demographics and economics of aging. Our goals are to build community, lower barriers to using complex data, and engage new users to increase diversity. To this end, funding will be awarded with consideration for NDIRA’s emphasis on increasing diversity in aging research with specific attention to supporting early career scholars, scholars from systemically excluded groups, and researchers outside of R1 institutions.
*Workshop participants are expected to also attend the research sessions on July 31-August 1.
- The Courtyard Marriott Downtown Minneapolis is the closest hotel. You can reserve a room at a discounted rate by requesting the University of Minnesota rate ($149/night plus taxes and fees) when booking.
- Aloft Minneapolis is also nearby (about 1 mile).
Minneapolis-Saint Paul airport (MSP) is the nearest airport and has convenient ground transportation options: light rail (~50 minutes) or ride share/taxi service (~20 minutes) to the Courtyard Marriott Downtown Minneapolis.