Journal of the American Medical Directors Association | Tetyana Pylypiv Shippee, Romil R. Parikh, Yinfei Duan, John R. Bowblis, Mark Woodhouse, and Teresa Lewis
When it comes to evaluating nursing homes, the quality of life experience by its residents is incredibly important. Life Course Center member Tetyana Shippee and colleagues looked to see if the person-centered care information captured in the Minimum Data Set 3.0 (MDS) for nursing homes correlated at all with direct measurements of quality of life.
The study compared the MDS variables with quality of life measurements from validated direct surveys conducted in Minnesota and Ohio. The study looked at a total of 11,487 long-stay residents in 356 facilities in Minnesota and 13,835 long-stay residents in Ohio in 2015.
The results show that while the MDS items and other facility deficiency citations only account for a very small proportion of the variance in resident’s quality of life. This indicates it is important to directly measure quality of life among residents in order to plan and evaluate person-centered care performance in nursing home facilities.